Feel your 'Feels' and feel ok!.png

This dynamic online session is designed to help your child dissolve their Big Feelings (such as anger, worry, jealousy, frustration, etc) allowing them to feel calmer, happier and more at ease.

During our time together your child will learn how their ‘body signals’ act as a sign that their big feelings are on the way, and in a fun and accessible way they will be taught how to help their brain stay calm when those big feelings appear!  

Together we will also explore powerful tools that will help them stay calm and more in control so that there are fewer meltdowns, less sibling squabbles and more moments of laughter and ease as they go about their childhood journey. 

The focus of the experience is to empower your child with the strategies to feel calmer, happier and more confident and, with that, helping them manage their BIG emotions that can sometimes overwhelm young people.

Emotional outbursts will quickly be replaced with Power Tools, helping your child to have more control over their feelings, rather than giving their ‘power’ away to all the ‘feels’!

Your child will take away with them the trusted tools and techniques that work to bring calm and confidence to their lives, both at home and at school. 

Session Overview

  • Feeling all the ‘feels’: Together we will explore when your child feels worried, angry, stressed, upset, etc and they will learn how to recognise these specific feelings in their body.

  • Power to the brain: In a fun and accessible way your child will begin to understand how their brain functions and they’ll learn how to work with their brain, especially when those big feelings make their appearance.

  • Power Tools: Practical tools are taught so that your child is able to stay calm, helping them feel empowered and better able to manage their responses when those wobbly moments occur (and these tools are just as helpful for us grown-ups too!)

Get yours for £150

The session helped me control my anger - it stops me from lashing out and it gives me the tools to calm down.

I can now use the breathing tricks we spoke about and walk away from situations I don’t like. I also don’t take teasing too seriously and I don’t get upset.

Thank you, Natalie - it is really helpful when I need it!
— Tom, age 8


  • Increase their Resilience and confidence: They will develop a stronger sense of ‘self’, adopting a ‘Can-do’ attitude and develop their inner wellbeing.

  • Increase their Self-awareness: They are better able to manage their Big Feelings allowing them to feel calm and respond from a resourceful state.

  • Embrace change and prepare them for the next steps in their development: They will feel more confident and empowered, allowing them to take action and create positive changes.

The online session is packed with fun, practical 'hands-on’ activities and a friendly and safe environment is created which allows your child to explore their thoughts and feelings - laughter is guaranteed!  Your child will leave the session feeling calmer and empowered, armed with the tools to help them feel all the ‘feels’ - and to feel ok! 

Power Thoughts has helped me to stay calm and it’s also helped me to not take my angry feelings out on my little brother.
— Kavin, age 8
I liked learning about my brain and how I can use my breathing. It stops me from ‘wasting energy’ and getting angry with my little brother.
— Sofia, age 9
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This online session is specifically designed for children who are 5 - 10 years of age. That being said, children outside of this age range will also benefit from the tools and strategies shared. The session is designed in such a way that your child will easily be able to follow along by themselves, but feel free to join in on the fun too - so that you’re further able to support your them.

Duration: The session is roughly 40 - 50 minutes long, and this also allows time for the worksheets to be completed. The online session can either be completed in one sitting or if it’s more comfortable, then I’ve broken it down into three simple parts so you can take it at your own pace. The session is easy enough for your child to follow along but feel free to join in on the fun!

The tools and information shared will benefit your child to not only manage the big emotions but also everyday challenges such as getting ready for school, preparing for an exam or going somewhere new.

How it works: Download the workbook prior to starting and kindly ensure that your child has a few colouring pencils or felt-tip pens too. For the very best experience please make sure that your child is as free from distractions as possible - and perhaps allow for a snack or two, too! 

And make sure that you watch the adult clips - as I share a few additional tools that you can use to further support your child. 

So get ready to be inspired and have some fun. Learning and laughter are guaranteed. Let’s remove the drama and help your child to ‘feel all the feels’ and feel ok!